Welcome to P.S. 314, Muscota New School - Turning the World Around!
Muscota was a program founded in 1993 at PS 5 by District 6 parents and teachers who wanted to offer the same child-centered learning to Northern Manhattan that had been available elsewhere in New York City since 1974.
In 2004, Muscota became a New York City Department of Education public school, Muscota New School/ P.S. 314.
Despite changes that have come with time, the founding core beliefs about the goals of education have stayed the same. All instruction and procedures aim to build:
Curiosity about the way the world works and initiative in pursuing that curiosity;
Alertness to seeing and making relationships, awareness of the way in which the world is put together;
Confidence to figure things out, to ask questions, to speak out, to take risks, and to see mistakes as essential to the learning process;
Responsiveness to others, and openness to different viewpoints.